Christian, Who is Watching You?

I mean who really sees you? Who sees the you that you want no one to see? GOD, for one, sees you, knows you, has plans for you, and loves you. HE loves you either in spite of or because of your failings, your frailties.

Who else? Everyone you pass. Everyone you touch. Just, simply – everyone. Total strangers pass judgment upon your actions every day. That tiny bit of litter you secretly let fall out of your hand while walking into work; the venom you posted on Facebook; that meanness that came spewing forth after stepping in some ugly, putrid, gooey stuff; those words that fell so easily from your lips as you screamed at your children; those hideous words that flooded the air and fouled it with evil as you screeched at your mother; all were seen or heard by someone, someone you least expected to hear or see it.

That door you held for another human being; that twenty dollars you gave instead of buying that movie you have wanted for the longest time; the helping hand you offered to a wounded soldier; that ride you gave to a stranger walking down the road; the smile and words of encouragement you offered to someone hurting; the slurs and insults you withstood when standing up for someone who had been wronged; the times you stepped aside and let someone take your place in line; when you paid for a stranger’s short fall in the grocery store; someone saw you. Someone saw you do it all. Someone you least expected to hear or see it.

Can we expect to praise GOD and curse HIS creation with the same mouth and expect good results? How many times can you ask GOD to damn something before HE actually does? In the next breath can you reasonably expect HIM to bless some endeavor of yours?