“Experienced” Or Just Plain “Old”?

I’m old. The years tell it. The body reminds me daily. The mirror, well, the mirror does not lie to me either. I’ve seen some become offended at being called “old” and I have to giggle, maybe even LOL.

It’s all just semantics. One woman wants to live to 100. She is 50. Yet she complains about all the changes she is going through. The wrinkles, the memory glitches, hot flashes, walking into a room and forgetting why she is there, the failing eyesight, the morning aches and pains, the daytime aches and pains, and the nighttime aches and pains. She is doing this for what? Oh, I do not know. Maybe monetizing her posts or trying to be funny. She smiles occasionally. And she has a favorite word. I must confess that same word was my “go to” word when I was under 40. The occasional use of the “f” bomb still manages to drop from my lips and then I feel like an ass for not being able to say the same thing with much more pizzazz and eloquence while still projecting my deepest anger or hurt.

Getting old sucks sometimes, but then youth sucked some, too. Through all of life (good, bad and horrific) there was always that lingering thought that “this could not possibly be the best there is.

At 42 I found out that I was right! This life here on Earth definitely is not all there is. It saddens me to know that far too many people believe that when humans die, that is it. That does not give life much of a purpose. It keeps us on the same level as animals. Our thoughts, desires, talents, aspirations, children and souls reduced to nothing by the mere belief in nothing. It reduces us to not much more than another invasive species like kudzu, dandelions and fire ants. Since we answer to no one, we are free to do as we please to or with whomever we please.

Stealing a penny or stealing billions; killing an unborn child or killing the elderly; throwing trash along the highway or burying gallons of toxic chemicals; none of it matters and one activity is no less damning than the other. One is no less sin than the other.

It all comes down to one point. Who is in charge. If man is in charge of everything, the universe is chaotic, drifting from one relativity to another. Up is down; down is up. Day is night; night is day. Right is wrong; wrong is right. Tomorrow may be different.

GOD, on the other hand, never changes. HE told humanity the only Rule on day one of humanity’s existence. Obey HIM. HE started with one explanatory rule. Do not eat from one specific tree, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. No other admonitions. No other rules. Adam knew the rule. But Adam stood there with Eve as she listened to the gossip of Satan posing as a serpent.

Adam knew better but listened to Eve. Eve knew better but listened to a talking serpent. GOD was left out of the equation. They had to leave their home and learn to do things the hard way. And humanity has been repeating the same mistake for thousands of years.

The Hebrew children who had witnessed the miracles first hand. They were able to leave Egypt with the spoils of the land while being freed from slavery. While Moses was talking to GOD and getting the Ten Commandments written by the finger of GOD, the Hebrew children were reclaiming their right to be stupid and insisted on worshiping a golden calf fashioned by the hands of Aaron, himself. They desired that the calf go before them as they returned to Egypt and slavery.

We have not learned a thing. Even if you do not believe in GOD you must admit that we do not learn from our own mistakes, much less the mistakes of others.

GOD, on the other hand, never changes. HE told humanity the only Rule on day one of humanity’s existence. Obey HIM. HE started with one explanatory rule. Do not eat from one specific tree, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. No other admonitions. No other rules. Adam knew the rule. But Adam stood there with Eve as she listened to the gossip of Satan posing as a serpent.

Adam knew better but listened to Eve. Eve knew better but listened to a talking serpent. GOD was left out of the equation. They had to leave their home and learn to do things the hard way. And humanity has been repeating the same mistake for thousands of years.

The Hebrew children who had witnessed the miracles first hand. They were able to leave Egypt with the spoils of the land while being freed from slavery. While Moses was talking to GOD and getting the Ten Commandments written by the finger of GOD, the Hebrew children were reclaiming their right to be stupid and insisted on worshiping a golden calf fashioned by the hands of Aaron, himself. They desired that the calf go before them as they returned to Egypt and slavery.

We have not learned a thing. Even if you do not believe in GOD you must admit that we do not learn from our own mistakes, much less the mistakes of others.

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