And the Leftist Beat Goes On

For the past three weeks I have avoided much of the news. As I watched the news this morning it felt much like watching 2 year old reruns of any annoying sitcom of your choice.

One in particular caught my attention. Much ado has been made of Congressman O’mar’s anti-Semitic remarks regarding Israel, and not in a way that has been appreciated by the majority who do in fact support Israel.

Let us look at previous comments.

  • If the Ku Klux Klan speaks out against our Government’s support of civil rights for non-white Americans, it is denounced soundly with great vigor from both parties. David Duke did not win the Presidency, not because of his economic stance, but more because of his support of the abhorrent KKK. [Does anyone have any idea what any of his policies were? I sure don’t and don’t care. His support of the KKK was enough for me to disregard him for any office.]
  • President Trump makes an off-hand remark about “sh**-hole countries that some people of color come from and the outcry from the Democrats was thunderous.
  • Justice Kavanaugh, during his confirmation hearings was accused (not convicted in a court of law) of rape, gang rape, and being a terrible man, because the Democrats did not want him as a Justice in the Supreme Court of the United States. Since his confirmation the women who accused and vilified him have slithered into the shadows (where they should have stayed) with their falsehoods and lawyers.
  • The ever vociferous and vocal Maxine Waters clamored for those who worked for the President or dared wear clothing that supported him to be hounded and run out of restaurants and other public venues. Sounds more like Lenin and Marx or the KKK than a freedom loving citizen and public employee of the United States. And when did Congress call her out?
  • Then there is the ever popular Speaker of the House Mr. Nancy Pelosi. Yes I said, “Mr.” She has bigger brass than nearly all the men in Washington combined. She was moderate until … Until a couple of brassy young fillies showed up with a bit more pizzazz and mouth than she maintains. After all, she had a bit of decorum and never swore in public [that I recall], so the pendulum is swinging farther and farther to the left. With “Mr.” Pelosi seeing the handwriting in the voting booth wall, the brass she maintained appears to be drifting to the younger, less weathered, more passionate members of the Marxist chorus. She votes to condemn, condemn what? Condemn all bad thoughts that ever were? Might as well. That watered down, milk-toast bill they pushed through which was originally thought to be a condemnation of Congressman O’mar’s comments regarding the Government support of Israel never mentioned her by name and included a condemnation of all things naughty except … Except that it is meaningless. They gave O’mar a pass. Why? Because she’s new. Isn’t that sweet?

So, why give hate speech a pass? Because it came from a Democrat.

The House of Representatives is no longer a group of Statesmen who went to work for the public good. It is more of a vendetta seeking family of individuals out to massacre the opposition through any means possible. Control and power through intimidation, misinformation and downright lies is what they appear to be about. People have been elected to office who hold only disdain for the American laws and through the re-writing of history and rape of the Constitution will achieve their means.