Today is Wednesday

Some day I will die. That is just a fact of life. Fairy tales about people living forever or being immortal here on Earth do not ring true with me. No, I am not sick and suffering from some dread disease. What I am is an old realist. No matter how hard we try, we cannot outrun the inevitable.

Shortly after my son learned to walk we got a harness for him and used it when we took him out with us. He was able to run free for about four feet, but we still had control of him. There was not much he could do without us reining him in.

My relationship with GOD is much like that. Scripture tells us that HE will never leave us nor forsake us. I believe HIM, HIS Word, everything. There are things that I do not fully understand, some that totally elude my feeble mind. But like my son who believed me, I believe GOD. GOD has me tethered to HIM. I can stray, but not too far. If I pull against the tether long enough I can stretch it just a bit and wiggle my toes near the fire of disobedience. That is when the tug on the tether reminds me I have gone too far. If my toes get burned bad enough, HE will, like any good Father, take me to HIS home permanently. Earthly fathers cannot do anything permanent but GOD can and does. Fear not the one who can only kill the body but, definitely fear THE ONE who can kill both body and soul.

Mid Morning and Rainy

It is one of those days that fluctuates between sadness, hope and contemplation. Sadness beacuse it reminds us that all is not sunshine and cool breezes. Hope because water reminds us of washing away the dirt of the day and Baptism which shows the world that we belong to the Savior. Contemplation because it causes a slow down of activity giving us time to think about many things.

When you get past the sadness, missing home, missing loved ones who have either moved away or precede you in death, missing your youth, you may realize that none of that can be changed. At least the parts that are in the past cannot. Your perception of where you are and why you are there can and maybe should change.

Hope causes us to have, well, hope. Hope is the simple belief that things will be better. Maybe not what we expect, but better. Salvation gives us hope. Blessed Hope. Not a little hope but HOPE as big as Eternity.

Contemplation, thinking about what has transpired and what will. We can condition ourselves to deal with possible situations if we look at all possibilities.

Within the society of today, life can be considered dangerous, or at the least hazardous. A walk in the park, a jog in the neighborhood, a simple trip to the store for a loaf of bread or pack of diapers can turn deadly. Regardless or inspite of the desire for some to create imagined “safe spaces” for some but not for all, we now have no “safe spaces” for anyone.

Fear has become a replacement for Hope. GOD is being denied HIS rightful place in the World. Without even a modicum of belief in GOD and all HE is, life has no meaning. If life has no meaning, then all things no matter how evil are allowed with no eternal repercussions.

As Christians it is our belief and Hope in GOD and the Ultimate Salvation freely given to us by HIS SON’S sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary. HE died so we could truly live.

Although we are not removed from all of the storms of life, HE will walk with us through the storm. It is an odd concept for those who are not believers or those who have never had a tsunami of a snot-storm in their life. Life is filled with unexpected joy and despair sometimes from the same event. The Earthly death of a loved one brings despair as we miss them terribly and cannot seem to find our way. Tears flow as there is a seeming unending pit filled with nothing. The joy comes from hope. The knowledge that the one we lost professed Salvation and lived their life as a true follower of THE MESSIAH, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, means that the Blessed Hope is simply that they are with our LORD AND SAVIOR and we will see them again.

Until tomorrow.

And Again, It’s Been Awhile…

As life moves forward despite our best efforts to slow it down, one begins to wonder, “exactly where has time gone?” It certainly does seem to slip away. One day you are 6, laying on the grass staring into the evening sky wondering where your real parents are and when are they coming back for you. A week later there you are 76 and wondering what the grandchildren are doing and, “could I lay upon that soft carpet of grass again? And if I do, can I get back up?”

Queen Elizabeth II has passed away at 96. Charles is now King. Another event in the life of the planet.

Anyway, back to my meanderings. In spite of my missteps, grandiose disobedience, total disregard for the natural order of things (on occasion), minor brushes with the wrong side of the law, at least 3 life and death situations and a mega host of open-mouth-insert-foot instances, I have survived. Only by the GRACE OF GOD have I survived.

At 16 the year 2000 was never a thought in my mind as a possibility for my life on this planet. And yet here it is 2022. It is actually a bit of a disappointment. The world is in turmoil and mostly due to ignorance in governance. When Star Trek was popular, I wanted to believe that we too would become better and use our scientific discoveries for the benefit of all mankind. We would overcome our differences, be accepting of others for their abilities and not be… well, be what we are. Human. We would be better humans or better than human. Neither wish came true.

That is what we are. We are not Vulcan, nor Klingon, nor Andorian, nor Trill, just human. Our planet is not androgynous. We are male or female with some anomalies. We are not humanoid. We are not human-like. We are human. And it still brings us back to, What ARE we supposed to do while we are HERE?”

While there are many differing opinions, some based upon Spiritual values, some not so much, we could all agree on one thing. This is not Star Trek and there can be only one true answer. So, maybe that is two things or just two parts of one truth.

Full disclosure: I am a Christian. I believe in the HOLY BIBLE as GOD handed it down to the human hand to write in words that mere humans could understand – eventually. I believe that it is all true, in spite of my lack of understanding of many parts. Scripture is the only thing that gives me peace and a sense of well-being. Scripture is the only thing that lets me know there is a plan in place and there is an Ultimate Winner. There are rules to live by that humans did not write which means humans may not revoke nor change the rules to suit their whims and whimsies. And just because they try does not make it true. Truth is true whether you believe it or not. Try not believing in gravity and walk off a cliff. Unless you have a jet pack or a parachute, that abrupt stop at the bottom, will prove gravity exists. Even if you have a parachute or jet pack, you still come down but with a softer landing.

There is a Heaven and a Hell as well as a Judgement Day. We will all be judged. There is only one way to stay out of Hell and go to Heaven and that is through the shed blood of THE MESSIAH on the Cross of Calvary about two thousand years ago.

And that is all I have for today. Thank you for reading.

Christian, Who is Watching You?

I mean who really sees you? Who sees the you that you want no one to see? GOD, for one, sees you, knows you, has plans for you, and loves you. HE loves you either in spite of or because of your failings, your frailties.

Who else? Everyone you pass. Everyone you touch. Just, simply – everyone. Total strangers pass judgment upon your actions every day. That tiny bit of litter you secretly let fall out of your hand while walking into work; the venom you posted on Facebook; that meanness that came spewing forth after stepping in some ugly, putrid, gooey stuff; those words that fell so easily from your lips as you screamed at your children; those hideous words that flooded the air and fouled it with evil as you screeched at your mother; all were seen or heard by someone, someone you least expected to hear or see it.

That door you held for another human being; that twenty dollars you gave instead of buying that movie you have wanted for the longest time; the helping hand you offered to a wounded soldier; that ride you gave to a stranger walking down the road; the smile and words of encouragement you offered to someone hurting; the slurs and insults you withstood when standing up for someone who had been wronged; the times you stepped aside and let someone take your place in line; when you paid for a stranger’s short fall in the grocery store; someone saw you. Someone saw you do it all. Someone you least expected to hear or see it.

Can we expect to praise GOD and curse HIS creation with the same mouth and expect good results? How many times can you ask GOD to damn something before HE actually does? In the next breath can you reasonably expect HIM to bless some endeavor of yours?

Christmas, Easter and Halloween


Is it Scriptural?

How did the Apostles celebrate it?

What kind of gifts did the Apostles exchange?

Did the Apostles draw names or did they get gifts for everyone?

What did they tell their children about Santa Claus?

What kind of decorations did they display?

What kind of tree did they have?

What kind of ornaments did they have on their tree?


Is it Scriptural?

How did the Apostles celebrate it?

Where did they hide the eggs?

What kind of candy was in the basket?

Did they put hay or straw in the baskets?

Did they wrap them in cloth and put a bow on the basket?

Where did they shop for their Easter outfits?

How did they bake their ham?


Is it Scriptural?

How did the Apostles celebrate it?

What kind of costumes did they wear?

What kind of candy did they give out?

What day did they go Trick or Treating?

What kind of tricks did they play?

Shalom!  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!

Santa Claus and Other Lies Christians Teach Their Children (repost)

This was originally posted October 5, 2010.

Why do adults insist upon telling children to believe in Santa Claus?  In fact, why are Christian parents in particular guilty of this nonsense?

Childhood is difficult enough without finding out that your parents are liars.  Is life so dreadful, so distasteful that adults have to teach their children to believe in fantasies?  What happens when you try to tell them about Jesus and Scripture and Creation?  Will they view that as just another fantasy?  Will it be just another lie that they have to listen to?

Saint Nicholas was a real person, but he died centuries ago.  There is no fat man in a red suit bringing toys to good and bad children alike.  The toys come from misguided parents who shower toys upon ungrateful children for no good reason at all.  These parents have either worked and saved all year to throw this money away or they will be working for the next 5 years to pay off the plastic used for this idiocy.

What is wrong with giving a child or anyone else a present that says it came from someone who loves them and thought he or she would like to have this?  What is wrong with one gift instead of a roomful?  What is wrong with giving a child time instead of crap?

Let us not forget about Halloween.  What are you thinking?  Trunk or Treat as an alternative to Halloween?  That does not even make sense.  How does getting dressed up as a Biblical character on a Satanic holiday differ from dressing up as Burger King?  Have a Bible study instead.  For pity’s sake, get a grip on the faith of your fathers unless, of course, Satan is your father.  If that is the case, get on your knees and plead for God to open your heart and draw you to Him. 

Then there is the Easter bunny.  When did rabbits start laying eggs?  Why are we promoting heathen fertility symbols on a day that is supposed to be a celebration of THE LORD rising from the dead?  Have Christians totally lost their minds?  Easter is a word that originates from the Teutonic dawn goddess of fertility which was known by a variety of names such as Ostare, Ostara, Ostern, Eostra, Eostre, Eostur, Eastra, Eastur, Austron and Ausos.   Her name was derived from the ancient word for spring: “eastre.”  Call it Resurrection Day instead.

Then there is the wide variety of fairies, leprechauns, elves and other non-human entities or demons that we teach our children to believe in.  Why not spend that time teaching them tangible truths about Jesus Christ?  It is no wonder the youth of today have difficulty believing in anything that adults try to tell them about the Bible.  Adults spend entirely too much time convincing them about garbage that they eventually find out for themselves is untrue.  Why do we expect our youth to believe anything we say?

Great scholars wonder why the youth of today go off to college and find the pagan religions so enticing.  I see a great schism in what we want them to learn and what we teach them.  We spend years talking to them about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and other fairy tales.  We spend that hour in church teaching about the Bible.  I am sorry.  I meant to say 15 minutes (you have to take into account all the time devoted to announcements and singing and the perfunctory joke to loosen things up).  We have got to get our act together people.  Dispense with all the nonsense and teach them the truth!

Here is a case in point.  A child of 7 or 8 is standing around several adults.

“What is Santa Claus bringing you for Christmas?” asked Church Lady 1.

“Oh, he doesn’t believe in Santa Claus!” exclaimed the Church Lady 2

“Is that true, Child?” inquired Sunday School Teacher.

“Yes, it is,” said Child with great confidence.

“He doesn’t believe in anything.” said Church Lady 2.

“Yes, he does.  He believes in Jesus as his Saviour.” stated one who was, until that moment, simply an observer.

“There is no need for him to believe in anything else.”

This did not take place anywhere but right up front where the preacher stands inside the walls of a Christian church building.  The child had recently been saved and baptized.  He no longer felt the need for fairy tales.

Why do we Christians feel the need to push the dope of disbelief upon our children?

The Art of Following

There are many hundreds of books telling us how we can be great leaders and how to do great things,  But what of the lost art of being a great follower?

If we all realized our full potential as leaders and became all that we were meant to be how could we the exist with only Generals, Admirals, or Captains?  There is a leadership trait within each of us, but we are not all destined to becoming a leader, much less, a great leader. 

Following is sometimes leadership in reverse.  Submission is an art form.  JESUS of Nazareth was truly a great leader, but first HE was a follower.  HE followed the leadership of HIS FATHER.  While HE, JESUS, had HIS own feelings and desires, HE followed the Will of HIS FATHER.   In so doing HE paved the only pathway to reuniting us with HIS FATHER, GOD. 

The first failure in the art of following was in the Garden of Eden.  Adam was a follower, but, sadly, not a very good one.  The result of Adam’s failure was his ultimate failure in leadership.  GOD gave Adam only one rule.  Do not eat the fruit of one tree, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  It was Adam’s duty as the leader of humanity to pass on that information in full context to the woman GOD gave him.  He failed.  The evidence of his failure was not only immediately evident but affected everyone born of man.  Adam’s seed, his sperm, his DNA, changed and ever-after contained the evidence of the sin of disobedience.  Adam was a poor follower.  He then became a poor leader.

From birth, we are taught, in varying degrees of proficiency, the art of following directions; obeying rules; learning to play well with others.  At least that is what we should be learning.  We learn respect for others.  We learn to respect the authority of family, law enforcement, government, and GOD.

When we are no longer held accountable to ourselves nor anyone else, we begin to do what is right in our own eyes.  We fail to see the need to follow anyone, nor do we feel the need respect the authority of anyone, including parents, law enforcement, or government.  We become relativists in the true sense of the word.  It might not be right for you, but it’s right for me.  So get over it.  Once we have adopted that viewpoint it is an easy transition to the idea that if you do not totally agree with me you are wrong.  Ideas are no longer tolerated as an individual right but as an intrinsic source of hate and something that must be closely monitored.  We are no longer leaders nor are we followers.  We are relegated to the role of monitor/reporter.  We are now simply a member of a collective conscience.  We are monitored and if we vary, we are reported and must attend re-education classes.  Order is maintained.  But at what cost?

What happens to the one who refuses to be re-educated?   What happens to the non-conformist?  Do we shame them into submission (which really is not submission at all)?  Do we beat them until they comply?   What if all that fails?  Do we lock them in solitary so they keep their hateful ideas to themselves?  Do we execute them and keep humanity pure?   

Or do we accept them?  Do we develop the understanding that there is probably no one else on this earth that thinks exactly as I do? 

Christianity has the distinction of being the religion that claims it is the only path to Heaven.   At the same time it is saying it is the only way, it is also saying you have the right to disagree.  Despite the fact that there are many trying to change what Christianity states, it remains as the one true way.  One can take Scripture and change the “He” to “She“; delete all offensive references to sin: and rewrite the Ten Commandments to “10 Powerful Suggestions That Might Change Your Life“; and other such foolishness, but it does not change what Christianity truly is. 

Taking a cat and calling it Rover or Fido and feeding it dog food, does not make it a dog.  Clipping it to look like a poodle does not make it one, no more than rewriting the BIBLE to conform to man’s sin makes it acceptable to GOD, the original author and finisher of our faith.  “A rose called by any other name is still a rose.”  We can declare adultery, stealing, fornication, lying, insolence, blasphemy, and all the other sins as non-sins but just because we say it and want to believe it does not make it so.

When the young wealthy ruler went to JESUS and asked what he needed to do to go to Heaven, JESUS told him to sell everything he had and follow HIM.  The young ruler left sad because he was still too attached to his worldly possessions.  It was not his possessions that kept him from following THE LORD, but his heart.   What did THE LORD do?  Did HE tell his followers to throw rocks at him and run him out of town; or make signs, riot, and loot his home?  Did HE tell his disciples to behead the infidel?   HE did none of these things.  HE was sad because HE knew what the young ruler was missing out on – eternal life and life more abundant.  

What kind of follower are you?  Are you making things up as you go?  Are you re-writing Scripture to suit your sin or are you repenting, turning from sin and living as close to CHRIST-like as you possibly can accepting Scripture as written?   Are you following (living) in such a way that people can see the SON OF GOD through you?

HE lived and died in order that we may have life and it more abundantly.  HE is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  There is no other way.

Shalom!  Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem!

Totalitarianism, A Real Possibility in the United States of America

I originally posted this in another site April 13, 2016. Unfortunately, it is still even more relevant today.

Religious liberty, contrary to what the liberal media and, unfortunately many ignorant Christians, was not the freedom to do what one pleases in the name of ‘religion‘ but the freedom to worship the GOD of the BIBLE, the Christian and Jewish GOD. The idea that Satan worshipers, witches, warlocks or even the Islamic beheading religion is a modern inconsistency and incompatible with the Constitution.  It is not simply tolerated but encouraged.  It is not that those pseudo intellectual religions would be massacred, it is simply that they would be tolerated up to the point that they did not interfere with true religious freedom. They have since become a distinct and rather large stumbling block to the freedom to worship the Judeo/Christian GOD. They are becoming increasingly intolerant of the very religious principles that allowed their existence in this country in the first place.

The following is an article from American Family Association 

The article has been reproduced in its entirety.

Mississippi & North Carolina Versus Liberal Totalitarianism

By: Dr. David Smith

Posted: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 2:42 PM

[Dr. David Smith David Smith, M.D. practices as a Family Doctor in Summit Mississippi and is on staff at Beacham Memorial Hospital.  Should peaceful non-participation now be made illegal also?

– Dr. David Smith]
Totalitarianism is defined as “a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible. Totalitarian regimes stay in political power through an all-encompassing propaganda campaign, which is disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, a single party that is often marked by political repression, personality cultism, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of speech, mass surveillance, and widespread use of terror.”*  This definition describes the actions desired by those who want to punish Mississippi and North Carolina for wanting to let their citizens be able to decide for themselves what they want to think and do with their own lives. Liberals want a totalitarian government, not a republic, and not a democracy. They seek to force their viewpoint upon everyone.

Most of the companies that are voicing public objections to the laws passed by states, which want to allow religious freedom, are solely acting to protect their bottom line financially and will shift their actions to whichever way they think the wind blows if it will make them money. The same activists who threaten Mississippi and North Carolina also threaten large corporations if they don’t comply with their demands. If it is okay with people to demand adherence in such a totalitarian fashion, then some other questions should also be asked.

Should Teva Pharmaceutical Industries be boycotted because it refuses to allow propofol to be sold for executions? They are discriminating against what their product is used for on the basis of their belief system even though the death penalty and executions are legal. If Christians should be forced to participate in matters that conflict with their belief system and violates their conscience, then how can one argue that these companies should also not be forced to sell their products without “discriminating”? If it is okay to sue Christians who don’t want to perform a service due to religious and moral objections based on their faith, then should not the states who cannot get the medications sold to them for legal executions be able to bring lawsuits against these companies and force them to do what the law states is okay?

Should physicians who have moral objections to participating in abortions be forced to perform them since abortion is legal and physicians who refuse are “discriminating”? How about pharmacists who won’t fill a prescription for an abortifacient drug and are “discriminating”? Should all of these physicians and pharmacists be labeled as bigots and boycotted for their “discriminatory” practices?

What about the pastors who refuse to participate in a same sex “wedding”? Should they also be labeled and treated in the same way? Are these pastors to be listed on a “hate group” registry and hounded for just not wanting to participate?

What about Muslims who will not sell pork, or prepare it for sale, to others based upon their religious beliefs? Should all the pork-loving people get together and bring boycotts and lawsuits to force the discriminatory Muslims to participate in what they deem objectionable based upon their faith practices?

Should Jewish owned businesses who choose to close their doors on Saturday be forced to stay open and not “discriminate” against those who want to shop on Saturday?

It is not people of faith who are bringing lawsuits and attempting to ruin others through tactics of fear and intimidation. These are the actions of the liberal, totalitarian activists who people of faith need to be protected from. Should peaceful non-participation now be made illegal also? That is also what totalitarian governments do. No dissent is allowed without retribution.

People of all faiths should be allowed to follow their conscience and faith practices as their traditions commonly dictate and not have their belief systems trampled by totalitarian demands. The pharmaceutical companies should be allowed to follow their conscience while the states are free to pursue other options without forcing adherence. Physicians and pharmacists should be free to practice in ways that do not violate their faith while those who want something different are always free to seek to have services they legally want elsewhere. Pastors should continue to be free to choose whom they will agree to marry as they always have. Jewish people should be free to practice all aspects of their faith as there are other options for those who live under different practices. Muslims should be free to practice portions of their faith practice as they desire to do so and people who want something different can do business with others. Those who want to label these laws as hateful only reveal their own heart toward those whom they disagree. For people of faith, it is about protecting their own conscience by not participating.  It is not about doing anything to hurt anyone else. It is about having respect for other people’s faith choices in their lives and giving them the freedom to live their lives with their conscience intact, unlike those within totalitarian regimes who have lost any conscience they might have had.

(Wikipedia, “”).

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio. Likewise no comments directed at the moderator(s) will be approved.)

According to GOD – Worthy of Honor

Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

According to GOD, I, as a parent am worthy of honor.  In spite of the FACT that I was not a particularly honorable parent.  There is no greater frustration than knowing that, as a parent, I should have done better.  Quite frankly, I could have done better.  I was too busy taking care of myself, my needs, my desires, my wants. 

I was not a Christian during the first 14 years of my child’s life.  Oh, how I wish I could go back and change the past.  Even now, after 25 years of being a Christian, I feel totally unworthy of any kind of honor.   The fact that my child calls me at all and involves me in the life of my grandchild is simply amazing.

If there were any bits of advice or wisdom I could impart to parents of young children, it would be this.  If, in your heart, you know you are not being the best you can be for your children or you are not making the proper sacrifices, change now!

What is being the best you can be as far as parenting goes?  Being the best parent means making those hard choices.  It means NOT giving your children the latest, greatest most powerful game or electronic toy to occupy their time.

It means teaching them by close association with them.  Training them to be a GODLY man or woman.  Allowing them to enjoy the moment they have as a child but helping them to put away childish things as they mature.  Encouraging their maturity and rejoicing with them through their milestones.  It means that you do not listen to the social engineers and the “Femi-Nazis” that rail against the norms established by GOD HIMSELF.  It means that you do not rely upon a government entity to tell you to bring your baby from the delivery room to the daycare so he/she can be “properly raised” in a gender neutral environment and indoctrinated in the government’s  newest “politically correct” attitude free from the messy ideas of morality and knowledge of GOD.

Hitler believed that if he could get the youth for just one generation, he would own Germany.  He did and he did.  He also believed that if you watered down Christianity to make it palatable to the masses, you could change the law to allow the killing of the infirm, of the unwanted, of the undesirables.  He did and he did.  

“It’s the economy, stupid!”  That was the rallying cry for Bill Clinton’s second term in office, if I remember correctly.  What he and others who think like him fail to understand is when the family disintegrates and the social structure is demolished so is the economy.  Just eliminate 40 or 50 million people and their descendants from the payroll equation and you no longer have a self-paying Social Security program.  Which of those millions could have discovered the cure for something like Cancer, AIDS or maybe toe fungus?  And what about the discoveries that might have been made?  A totally free and renewable energy source would have been good.  OR, maybe a way to feed the world’s hungry?  How about a cure for Alzheimer’s?    

Did we destroy peace-makers along with the war-mongers?  Of course we did!  We created this society of death and destruction and instituted a scorched earth policy in order to allow our darkest deeds to go unchallenged.  We say nothing.  We raise our children to “make up their own minds” regarding GOD, which only gives the opposition free rein to indoctrinate our children with “tolerance” for everything and a belief in nothing but self.

Living under the delusion that you do not want to “brainwash” your child you fail to arm them with the only thing that will protect them and guide them.  Not wanting to be labeled a fanatic, you forego religious indoctrination for the T-Ball and Softball fields.  Soon it becomes obvious that it is not necessary to be so immersed in Sunday School or Church activities and you become oblivious to the pleadings of the HOLY SPIRIT.  Grieving THE SPIRIT is not difficult and gets easier as time goes on.  While THE SPIRIT groans within you, missing the communion with THE LORD, missing the fellowship with other Believers. 

As the child grows without the benefit of the protection of THE HOLY SPIRIT, it becomes easier for the mind of the child to be filled with false doctrine and intoxicating spirits.  The lure of the world is strong and without the help of THE HOLY SPIRIT, it is nearly impossible to resist fleshly and worldly desires.

With the Holy Spirit’s help, be the best Christian you can be. Be with your child.  Train your child.  Take your child to Church, don’t just “send” them to Sunday School.  Read Scripture to them and with them.  Study the BIBLE and fill them with the Blessed Hope of Salvation through JESUS CHRIST and HIS Sacrifice on THE CROSS OF CALVARY.

That is our HOPE.  That is the only way we can truly be worthy of honor as Christian parents.

Shalom!  Pray for THE PEACE of Jerusalem! 

(Edited 2022-09-20)