My Truth? No, GOD’S TRUTH

I read and/or watch a variety of subjects, articles, and documentaries. I don’t agree with everything I see or hear. I also do not share everything.

Today I noticed a trend regarding ‘truth’. One article referred to a certain man’s ‘truth’ might be close to your ‘truth’ or might not be your ‘truth’. ‘Truth’ seems to have been replaced opinion, perspective, even delusion.

When “absolute truth” is replaced by “relative truth”; when standards are circumvented by feelings; we are headed for chaos and anarchy. The ‘feel good religion’ of the 1960’s, that “if it feels good, do it” generation has given birth to the self-indulged hedonist snowflakes of today. “It’s my right” and “I deserve it” are the battle whine of the vaccinated, pampered and coddled thirty-something (more or less), who demand a living wage without living, and freedom without freedom.

A living wage requires living and working, striving for your desires. Freedom requires that we have the absolute right to be offended.

And TRUTH is true whether you believe it or not. I can say that the sky is green with fuscia squares and purple hexagons. I can believe it with all my being. But that does not make it TRUE. It’s my perception, my opinion, not “my truth.”

I can believe that I am a brain surgeon and own an operating room, the surgeon’s outfit, and all the tools, but that belief does not make it TRUE. Would you want me doing brain surgery on you simply because I believe I can? That is my opinion, my delusion. It is not “my truth”.

Absolute truth exists. It is a real thing.

We Killed Them All

I see them frequently. The questions. The demands for answers from or about a GOD that they refuse to acknowledge even exists and they contain that word, “WHY…”

Well, I think I may have the answer. GOD has given the cures for everything. HE gave us world peace. HE created a world without strife, without hunger, without greed, without sin. Then HE created humanity and all was good in HIS Eyes.

HE had one Law, one Rule, one Regulation. Of all the nutritious, beautiful and fragrant trees in the entire Garden of Eden, we were forbidden to eat the fruit from one lowly tree, the one tree that contained the knowledge of Evil. Yes, you say it was the knowledge of good and evil, but they already knew good. They knew perfection. They frolicked naked through the woods and forest glens and walked with GOD in the cool of the afternoon. It was perfection!

They didn’t even know they were lacking anything until Satan strolled through the Garden disguised as an animal, a serpent. Satan, the Liar himself, informed them that they were lacking in all knowledge. They were not like GOD, they were lacking and if they ate from the tree, they would be just like GOD. We all know (at least we should) how that worked out for them. Surprise! Satan lied!

From then on, they knew what it was to cry, to know the pain of childbirth, to know the sting of death, to know and live the pain of disease, then know the heartache and pain of war, starvation, and the list goes on. But most of all they instantly knew the pain of being cast out of GOD’S sight. Those daily walks were gone. The shared closeness was gone. It would take about 5,000 years to have that door opened. GOD would send HIS Son to willingly sacrifice HIMSELF for the sake of humanity. Five thousand years to us is like five days to GOD.

So six days later here we are. The answers slap humanity in the face and we defiantly toss them aside. In our quest to be like GOD we have shunned the only path to GOD. GOD gave us HIS GPS (GOD’S Protection Service), HIS written Word. What have we done with It? We didn’t like it. It interfered with our desire to be GOD. It told us that what we were doing was against, not only GOD’S Will, but against common sense and nature itself.

Then came our biggest affront to GOD. Abortion, with all its advertising and promises to save the world from the dregs of society and all the unwanted or inconvenient babies. GOD sent us the persons who would develop irrigation to feed people in drought filled regions. HE sent us the one who would discover the cure for cancer. HE sent us peacemakers. HE sent us missionaries who would bring hope to a dying world. HE sent us role models who would help the girls and boys who have no parents. HE sent us the one who would discover the key to unlocking all sorts of wondrous things. HE sent us forest managers to practically eliminate wildfires that have destroyed thousands of acres. HE sent us engineers. HE sent us scientists. HE sent us everything we needed.

What did we do? We Killed Them All. HE keeps sending and we keep killing. We refuse to call them human as we rip apart their tiny bodies and sell the parts. And we have the gall to ask “Why?”