Staring at the Screen or Whatever For?

And no, I do not know why I am sitting here, wondering why I am sitting here. I just keyed in a string of ambiguous nonsense, so there must be something simmering in that grey matter called my brain or that reddish muscular pumping organ called my heart.

It is a bit sad to know that simply moments ago, these magnificent ideas for a blog post were rushing out of my mind and cascading into an abyss never to be heard from …. again …. well, maybe not until I am in heavy traffic with no way to write or at 3:13 in the morning when I rapidly dismiss thoughts and ideas in order to make it to the bathroom in time.

Speaking of 3:00 in the morning. That is a time that frequently awakens me. I read somewhere a bunch of years ago that that time is the best time to pray. It was an article in a magazine. A magazine is one of those paper things we used to hold in our hands, turn pages and read from. That explanation is for all of you who are under 20 and never held a comic book.

The internet is fascinating but I do miss my dependence upon books. Those trips to the library to do research on whatever topic inspired me to write, read or just waste time were cherished, particularly when I was a teenager and needed an excuse to leave the house. The library was it. It was a place of adventure. Columns of books. Thousands of them. And I could touch them all. I could escape in my mind with no one knowing where I was going.

The internet, on the other hand, with its cookies and trackers, hackers and predators, as well as all the other monsters out there in cyberspace, knows not only who you are, but where you have been and an algorithm has already plotted out where you are probably going and where you will shop along the way. I am not particularly fond of it. But ….

Yes, but, you can easily self-publish a book. Write things in blogs that other people read and find out things that, left on your own, you probably never really wanted to know anyway.

And this ends my therapy session for now. Besides, I have nothing left to say. Not right now, anyway. Find something constructive to do with your time. Visit a library. And read a book.

Prayers and GOD BLESS!!