May 1-3, 1971 vs January 6, 2022

I worked in Washington District of Columbia in the United States of America for several years. The building I worked in was at the 1700 block of K Street. We were told that despite the anti-war demonstrations within DC we were required to report to work and on time. Calling in sick was not an option.

Riding into DC that Monday on my regular bus was not a problem. When the bus stopped is when the unthinkable happened. A police officer tossed a tear gas canister under the bus in order to slow down people exiting the bus. We were all in danger of being arrested. All for going to work. Detained from the bus, was any young man who had long hair. The rest of us simply stumbled away from the bus trying to see through the tears to get to our jobs. About 15 feet from the bus was a couple (obviously hippies) who had a table set up with literature about tear gas and how to take care of yourself. I took a leaflet and a damp tissue and made my way to the office.

When I made it home that evening, the news reports that as many as 23,000 people (supposed demonstrators) were arrested and detained at the Kennedy Stadium where the Redskins played football. People who worked in DC were detained simply because they “looked like they should be arrested”. The mail guy in our offices was detained for several days. He said they did not ask him any questions, they just grabbed him before he entered the building to go to work. He was just feet away from work when he was caught.

The estimated number of “protestors” was about 40,000. They said what they would do and did it. They drove junk cars onto the roads going into DC, parked them, took the keys out and jammed up every road coming into DC in basically that manner. They did not storm DC with guns blazing.

Non-participating citizens who were arrested and had need of insulin or other medications were denied access to even call someone much less obtain medical attention. The city was standing firm and not backing down. Those people were in DC so they must be GUILTY. No, most were just trying to go to work like they were told to do by their employers.

On January 6, 2022 I was watching TV while the million or so folks were marching down the street. And just like in 1971, it was no surprise that a large crowd of people would be there. It was, after all President Trump supporters who would be there. He always drew large numbers of supporters to his rallies as well as a few pinheads, protestors and other nitwits. So, instead of beefing up security and calling in the National Guard as President Trump suggested to Nancy Pelosi and the Mayor of DC it almost seemed like they had Law Enforcement take a holiday. Were they hoping something would happen that could be blamed on a certain someone?

The Mock Jan 6 Trial, the raid of Mar-a-Lago, political supporters being rounded up and put in jail all seems just a bit too familiar. I learned about it in World History Class as well as American History Class. I have also watched it unfold in Venezuela and other parts of the world in more recent history.

Politics suck. Especially when it runs rampant over the Constitution of the United States of America. It is extremely difficult to even say that the Justice system is equally applied as it should be when murderers, rapists and terrorists roam free while they spend billions of dollars desperately trying to convict one orange haired man and make his family’s and friends’ lives a living hell simply because they hate him. Donald J. Trump did something in two years that those pompous fools in Congress could not do in the past 50 years, he worked for and defended the people who put him in office.

And this is my opinion. You may believe something else.

Surveys and the Misrepresentation of Facts and Opinions

I took a survey yesterday. One that has been done for 50 years and they are quite proud of that. Since 1972 this survey has been gathering information regarding the Social inner workings of the United States of America and possibly the world. My curiosity overcame my better judgement and I sat through two hours of questions. Some were rather innocuous, like my race, gender, religious beliefs and my upbringing.

The questions, probably ninety percent, are ambiguous leading to answers that are greatly taken out of context.

For instance: If a man were to get up in public and say hateful things about black people and a bill came up to abolish that speach, would you; agree that it needed to be abolished, agree somewhat, disagree, or disagree somewhat. Now if you agree, you are ultimately saying that free speech is problematic. If you disagree then you are ultimately saying that hate speech is okay and you agree with it.

It asked the same about Muslims spewing hate speach – should they be allowed to say it. The same type of questions were asked about religion. They separated spirituality and religion which I thought was odd. There were a lot of questions about HIV, which I thought the Government was saying is under control. Now, I wonder what they are not saying about that and many other things.

I was reassured numerous times that this was not a government study and was in no way connected to the government. (Me thinks thou doth protest too much!) And that my answers were going to be totally anonymous. Another one of those “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” statements swept through my mind.

There were also the monetary spending questions. “Are we spending too much or not enough to …” I asked who “we” is supposed to represent. Is it the government or is it the people in general or is it both? The interviewer did not know. He was just asking the questions put forth in the survey on the tablet that was connected to the internet. Since the whole thing was supposedly recorded, I told him that I would be answering the questions as though it is the government only that is referenced by “we‘.

After two hours of questioning and a sore butt, I can understand why the media thinks there may be a group of radical, right wing, nut jobs out there just waiting to be activated. And it is far from the truth. And they did ask if I owned guns and how many. Since that information can be obtained anyway, I answered honestly.

After thinking about the way my answers could be misconstrued or purposely twisted to fit a particular narrative, I question the wisdom of my participation.

And if one truly believes the government is not involved with this in some way here are some (taken from their own literature) of the organizations that sponsor and use the data:

American Cancer Society, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, The Rockerfeller Foundation, and Robert Woods Johnson Foundation.

The name behind the research is NORC and this is what the letters mean in their own words: “the nonpartisan and objective research organization NORC at the University of Chicago,”… I found very little that I would consider nonpartisan or objective about the questions asked or the answers one had to pick from. While on the surface it appears to be lollipops and rainbows, it is neither.

For it to be called valid research is tantamount to saying an ant equals an elephant. Neither are true. It defies logic that such generalized statements and equally bizarre answers that you must choose from can be called research.

This is my opinion and mine alone. No one paid me to say it. No one even knows I am saying it until now.

And the Leftist Beat Goes On

For the past three weeks I have avoided much of the news. As I watched the news this morning it felt much like watching 2 year old reruns of any annoying sitcom of your choice.

One in particular caught my attention. Much ado has been made of Congressman O’mar’s anti-Semitic remarks regarding Israel, and not in a way that has been appreciated by the majority who do in fact support Israel.

Let us look at previous comments.

  • If the Ku Klux Klan speaks out against our Government’s support of civil rights for non-white Americans, it is denounced soundly with great vigor from both parties. David Duke did not win the Presidency, not because of his economic stance, but more because of his support of the abhorrent KKK. [Does anyone have any idea what any of his policies were? I sure don’t and don’t care. His support of the KKK was enough for me to disregard him for any office.]
  • President Trump makes an off-hand remark about “sh**-hole countries that some people of color come from and the outcry from the Democrats was thunderous.
  • Justice Kavanaugh, during his confirmation hearings was accused (not convicted in a court of law) of rape, gang rape, and being a terrible man, because the Democrats did not want him as a Justice in the Supreme Court of the United States. Since his confirmation the women who accused and vilified him have slithered into the shadows (where they should have stayed) with their falsehoods and lawyers.
  • The ever vociferous and vocal Maxine Waters clamored for those who worked for the President or dared wear clothing that supported him to be hounded and run out of restaurants and other public venues. Sounds more like Lenin and Marx or the KKK than a freedom loving citizen and public employee of the United States. And when did Congress call her out?
  • Then there is the ever popular Speaker of the House Mr. Nancy Pelosi. Yes I said, “Mr.” She has bigger brass than nearly all the men in Washington combined. She was moderate until … Until a couple of brassy young fillies showed up with a bit more pizzazz and mouth than she maintains. After all, she had a bit of decorum and never swore in public [that I recall], so the pendulum is swinging farther and farther to the left. With “Mr.” Pelosi seeing the handwriting in the voting booth wall, the brass she maintained appears to be drifting to the younger, less weathered, more passionate members of the Marxist chorus. She votes to condemn, condemn what? Condemn all bad thoughts that ever were? Might as well. That watered down, milk-toast bill they pushed through which was originally thought to be a condemnation of Congressman O’mar’s comments regarding the Government support of Israel never mentioned her by name and included a condemnation of all things naughty except … Except that it is meaningless. They gave O’mar a pass. Why? Because she’s new. Isn’t that sweet?

So, why give hate speech a pass? Because it came from a Democrat.

The House of Representatives is no longer a group of Statesmen who went to work for the public good. It is more of a vendetta seeking family of individuals out to massacre the opposition through any means possible. Control and power through intimidation, misinformation and downright lies is what they appear to be about. People have been elected to office who hold only disdain for the American laws and through the re-writing of history and rape of the Constitution will achieve their means.

The Government of Today

While I do not agree that the Government should have been opened, I can understand why President Trump did so. He does have compassion for those who were unable to be paid. Perhaps there should be some sort of “Government Shutdown Insurance” like Workers Compensation Insurance much like the Senate and the House have. [Wink! Wink! Or 😉 😉 ] Mr. Pelosi and Ms. Schumer I am sure are gloating (I have seen their bilious forms spread across the TV with their grating voices like nails across a chalkboard).

Our national security is at stake and neither of them care. 90% of the heroin caught is at ports of entries is true, but neither of those ignoramuses have taken in account all the drugs that are not caught that come across our porous borders. The truth is no one has any idea what the percentage of the drugs caught is compared to the total amount of the drugs that come across the border! They have no idea how many illegals actually make it across the border for the simple reason that there is NO way to count the number of illegals who make it across without getting caught.

While there is generally a way to compromise in most situations, as anyone who is married or has been married can attest to, there is, by all that we have witnessed, NO way to compromise ethically with Mr. Pelosi and the radical [Communist/Socialist] Democrat party. If there was a lesson to be learned from the past 45 days, it is that lesson and that lesson alone. There is no compromise and there is no negotiation. Above all there is no “good faith effort” on their side, nor is the any way that their ethics and morals reach above the level of a basement foundation. They make stalkers, ponzi salesmen and Clinton lawyers look like Catholic school boys attacked by madmen at a woe-man’s march in DC.

Walls do indeed divide people. They keep the bad people on the other side of the wall. Mr. Pelosi is about as trustworthy as a hungry snake with a live field mouse. The mouse trusts that the snake will devour him unless he gets behind the wall. And Ms. Schumer better remove some of the lace from around his knickers or he won’t be able to keep up with the leader of the House. What divides people even more are the politicians who pontificate about their own ability to divide people who do not think nor believe as they do and how evil those unwashed masses, excuse me, those unwashed, ignorant, redneck, gun-toting, Bible-believing, pro-life masses who have the good sense to disagree with everything they stand for; how evil we really are.

And that, my friends and algorithms, is my rant for today. I am a GOD fearing, Bible believing, FREEDOM loving American!

To quote Patrick Henry, “It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”