Subtle Subversion

Have you noticed how Communists or Socialists overthrow modern governments? They used to simply cause chaos in the streets with dissatisfied people who were easily worked up because they were oppressed and starving. They were worked up with the promise of food and equality. They were then made equally miserable.

Today’s overthrow begins a bit differently. They get themselves elected. How? They promise free education, fully paid, so students graduate debt free. They promise free healthcare for everyone, but they fail to go into any details. They guarantee everyone a job at a great salary. You remember the details? Those sticky little things like how will all of this be paid for. How do you provide for nearly 400 million people equally?

Our freedom then becomes a thing of the past. How does a country pay for all these free things? How does the taxpayer give up 80% OR MORE of their pay to a government that is already unable to govern with the 30+% they already get?

How is it paid for is just the beginning. How many General Practitioners are going to study to become a doctor for 12 years and work for minimum wage? How about the Surgeon? Will the Surgeon want to work for minimum wage? If the line worker makes as much as the Supervisor with only the increase in responsibility, who will want to supervise? If everyone has to live in the same type of house or is relegated to a certain number of rooms per persons in the family, who is happy then? When do they start limiting how many children a family can have?

And what about the ruling class? Do they make minimum wage, too? No. They live in luxury because of their status; because they are the elite. They effectively destroy the so-called Middle Class and make everyone but the ruling political class poor; thereby making everyone equal. The government confiscates land, homes, belongings and pay. The political class steals everything you have, puts you on the street, homeless and hungry, and mows you down when you protest. If you disagree with their point of view, their political stand, they throw you in jail and label you a dissident, and an enemy of the state. You become a hater. You become a pariah. There is a target on your back. No longer welcome in public restaurants, coffee shops or the local laundromat. Or even your own neighborhood.

Demonize the Constitution. Create an enemy where there is none. Promise FREE stuff that you cannot deliver, then blame the current, legally elected administration. Work the non-thinking masses into a fever pitch. If there are not enough of those who see the truth, we become overrun by Communism. They call it Socialism, but it is nothing more than Communism. It may be Communism lite, but it is still Communism.

You want to be like Venezuela? Keep listening to the likes of
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (new salary of $174,000 expected to rise substantially in her new political career) or Kamala Harris (net worth $580,000 to $2 million), Elizabeth Warren (net worth approximately $14.5 million) and they are spoon feeding the masses the pablum of FREE . While sucking on the sugar teat of political hucksters, the masses with eyes closed will follow the stench of decaying free stuff right down the broad road to Hell. Just ask Venezuelan citizens

The Government of Today

While I do not agree that the Government should have been opened, I can understand why President Trump did so. He does have compassion for those who were unable to be paid. Perhaps there should be some sort of “Government Shutdown Insurance” like Workers Compensation Insurance much like the Senate and the House have. [Wink! Wink! Or 😉 😉 ] Mr. Pelosi and Ms. Schumer I am sure are gloating (I have seen their bilious forms spread across the TV with their grating voices like nails across a chalkboard).

Our national security is at stake and neither of them care. 90% of the heroin caught is at ports of entries is true, but neither of those ignoramuses have taken in account all the drugs that are not caught that come across our porous borders. The truth is no one has any idea what the percentage of the drugs caught is compared to the total amount of the drugs that come across the border! They have no idea how many illegals actually make it across the border for the simple reason that there is NO way to count the number of illegals who make it across without getting caught.

While there is generally a way to compromise in most situations, as anyone who is married or has been married can attest to, there is, by all that we have witnessed, NO way to compromise ethically with Mr. Pelosi and the radical [Communist/Socialist] Democrat party. If there was a lesson to be learned from the past 45 days, it is that lesson and that lesson alone. There is no compromise and there is no negotiation. Above all there is no “good faith effort” on their side, nor is the any way that their ethics and morals reach above the level of a basement foundation. They make stalkers, ponzi salesmen and Clinton lawyers look like Catholic school boys attacked by madmen at a woe-man’s march in DC.

Walls do indeed divide people. They keep the bad people on the other side of the wall. Mr. Pelosi is about as trustworthy as a hungry snake with a live field mouse. The mouse trusts that the snake will devour him unless he gets behind the wall. And Ms. Schumer better remove some of the lace from around his knickers or he won’t be able to keep up with the leader of the House. What divides people even more are the politicians who pontificate about their own ability to divide people who do not think nor believe as they do and how evil those unwashed masses, excuse me, those unwashed, ignorant, redneck, gun-toting, Bible-believing, pro-life masses who have the good sense to disagree with everything they stand for; how evil we really are.

And that, my friends and algorithms, is my rant for today. I am a GOD fearing, Bible believing, FREEDOM loving American!

To quote Patrick Henry, “It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”


The United States of America was indeed founded by (to use the current colloquial) a bunch of “rich old white men.” They had families and they had the wherewithal (money) to escape the persecution that existed within their country (England, specifically King George III) and take their families with them. If you were living in a country that persecuted (hunted down, tortured, imprisoned and killed) people for simply believing in a non-government sanctioned religion (Christianity to be specific). And it was not all of Christianity, it was specifically the Church of England. If you did not belong to the state (Government) sponsored sect, you were in deep trouble.

Yes, there was slavery in the United States and it was promoted by England. It was a business for the Barbary Pirates (Muslims) that they found lucrative and seemed to find some hideous pleasure in promoting. Slavery was not initially confined to one race. It included all races, ages, males and females. It was only after they (the Barbary Pirates) realized that along the coast of Africa were human beings who could be picked off in groups or singularly with little resistance. The brutality of the Muslim raiders soon spread as did their thirst for new victims to sell in England and the English colonies.

When the Constitution of the United States was first written, it contained a wording to eliminate slavery in the United States at its beginning. Most of the Founders wanted to abolish the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.  Jefferson had denounced that “execrable traffic” in his first draft of the Declaration of Independence.
But South Carolina and Georgia delegates would not go along, and, significantly, some in New England recognized the powerful influence of merchants whose ships included slavers.

But they were able to get into the original Constitution a provision which allowed Congress to ban the Slave Trade in twenty years. How odd for all those Washington liberals who today tout compromise to attack as immoral and vile this most important of compromises. Would most of the Founders have so desperately wanted to ban the Slave Trade if they thought it a good thing? If they
condoned it?


In the 1626 through 1737 New York City was the hub of slavery in the northern states with the most slaves north of Virginia. *Slaveholding concentrated in New York City, where by 1691 competition from slave labor had driven white porters out of the market houses and where by 1737 free coopers were complaining of “great numbers of Negroes” working in their trade.

The slave trade became a cornerstone of the New York economy. As with Boston and Newport, profits of the great slave traders, or of smaller merchants who specialized in small lots of skilled or seasoned slaves, radiated through a network of port agents, lawyers, clerks, scriveners, dockworkers, sailmakers, and carpenters.

Free blacks lived in New York at risk of enslavement. The colonial courts ruled that if a white person claimed his black employee was a slave, the burden was on the black person to prove he was not. Blacks on the street who could give no plausible account of their movements or proof of their freedom often were picked up by the authorities and jailed on suspicion of being runaway slaves. Local authorities had all but unlimited power in such cases. A black man was arrested in New York City in 1773 simply “because he had curious marks on his back.” In such cases the suspected fugitives were held in local jails while advertisements ran in the newspapers seeking their owners. If a claimant arrived, and reimbursed the sheriff for the cost of the detention and the ads, he took the black person away after a few legal formalities. There was little incentive for the sheriff to challenge the claim of ownership in such cases. Even if no claimant came forth, the authorities sometimes then sold the black person into slavery, to cover the cost of detaining and advertising him.


George Washington is perhaps one of the most maligned or praised (depending upon your perception of the times) slave owners of the Revolution. He inherited his first slaves at the age of 11. Given his early indoctrination of the slavery process, it is reasonable to assume that he wholeheartedly approved of slavery. In fact, his point of view evolved over the years. His last will and testament freed only one outright. Due to the laws at the time and the intertwined relationships between his slaves and those of his wife, it became a thorny matter for him to resolve. He could neither will away, nor free “property” (slaves) that did not belong directly to him. It is interesting to note that some of the slaves were taught to read and write (and I would assume that they taught others), which was not a widely supported concept by the beginning of the Civil War. George Washington’s reluctance to free all his fully owned slaves, even upon his death, appears more to have been bowing to his wife, Martha’s, desires and well-being rather than to resolve whatever inner conflict he may have had regarding the purchase and owning of human beings.



In 1773, Patrick Henry wrote, “I believe a time will come when an opportunity will be offered to abolish this lamentable evil. Everything we do is to improve it, if it happens in our day; if not, let us transmit to our descendants, together with our slaves, a pity for their unhappy lot and an abhorrence of slavery.”

In 1786 John Jay (author of The Federalist) wrote, “It is much to be wished that slavery may be abolished. The honour of the States, as well as justice and humanity, in my opinion, loudly call upon them to emancipate these unhappy people. To contend for our own liberty, and to deny that blessing to others, involves an inconsistency not to be excused.”

Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and the well known phrase, “all men are created equal” wrote, “There must doubtless be an unhappy influence on the manners of our people produced by the existence of slavery among us. The whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading submissions on the other. Our children see this, and learn to imitate it; for man is an imitative animal. This quality is the germ of all education in him.”


Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine were the only states that counted no slaves in the census of 1790. The three states with the largest slave population on the census are South Carolina with 43%, Maryland with 32% and Virginia with 39%.

The question remains, “Did the Civil War actually end slavery or did slavery simply morph into something more insidious that can only be defined as an enslavement of the mind?”

What constitutes slavery? Is it simply the obvious of the outright purchase of a human being with the going monetary substance of the day? Or is it something more subtly insidious? The Master no longer owns a title to the human being, but said human lives in Master’s house (the Government projects) and eats Master’s food (Government food stamps) and lives only how Master says they can live because they are a victim. Part of what kept some people slaves still exists and has kept them slaves to this day. The victim mentality will keep us down, it will destroy us and keep us in bondage to the past. We are more than just the sum of our horrific events. We are FREE! In the eyes of GOD we are free from the bondage of sin, of hatred, of politics, of those who would use us for their own advantage. We are free. All men, are indeed, created equal, by the Creator. And I know that the phrase “all men” applies to every human being and not just man. And I do not need any law or amendment to prove it to me. Today’s modern version of slavery is adherence to a political party that keeps humanity hoping for change, hoping for something that is owed to us under the presumption of becoming equal through legal means or through the redistribution of monies that someone else worked for in order to make us equal. If we do not believe that we are equal under GOD we will never be equal and never be contented with our lot in life. And professional lifelong political hacks will always be able to pull our strings, court our vote, and make us feel guilty for wanting to have dreams and a desire to be better.

Are We The Same But Different?

How are we the same? We are all human and none, not one of us, is perfect. We are born – we die. It is what is contained within that dash that makes us different.

And then we got Facebook. Promoted as a means to maintain relationships and meet new people, it has become the catalyst for division. Akin to walking through a crowded mall seeking to have a private conversation with 650 of your closest friends, then standing mutely waiting for the handshakes and congratulatory remarks on your latest statement. When only the 5 or so folks who were actually paying attention make a comment or pat you on the back, it becomes somehow alarming. Mall security must have silenced 640 of my friends. Surely they are all listening to me!

How many friends does anyone actually have? The ones who are not afraid to tell you when you are wrong but stand by you anyway. Not the “silent condemners” who see you about to go over a cliff and say nothing; or know that person you are dating was tried and convicted of 10 counts of child pornography and say nothing. A friend will tell you that you are going the wrong way. A friend will warn you of danger, not sit back and simply watch what happens. A friend will be the bucket when you need to take an emotional dump. A friend will listen, give you advice and not become offended when you fail to listen to any of it.

If you have less than 5 true friends, you are probably about average, maybe a little above average if you really have 5. If you really think you have 650 or more real friends, you may need counseling. You may have fallen for the Facebook lie that you MUST have more and more and MORE friends. If someone only has 20 Facebook friends, GOD BLESS ’em! They still identify with the “real” world.

Pretend this is you.

  • Five real friends.
  • Fifteen to forty family members (most of whom simply arouse curiosity).
  • Ten or so work-related acquaintances.

That makes about fifty people that you really want to keep in touch with, exchange birthday greetings, send cards and letters (for those that still know how to write and use snail mail), offer to help and ask for help. You trust them. You care deeply about most of them. This is for those of us who are not preachers, teachers, lawyers, self-employed, politicians or con artists.

It is amusing to know that some folks only see posts from the same 25 people and are distressed. Looking at a thousand posts from people we barely know (if at all) would take most of the day and become quite wearisome.

A wise man once said, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” But then, he was not on social media where the keyboard has become a weapon and the words it produces have been reduced to the whining of malcontents and the poison used by the slayers of the innocent with their malicious keystrokes of passionate idiocy.

We can all become either arrogant butt-heads or uplifting spirits sailing upon the flotsam of cyberspace. Depending upon one’s perspective we could be both in the same post. We perceive what we choose to. We find what we look for. It’s all in the choices we make.