Are We “woke” Enough Yet?

It is only when we truly awaken to our folly that we open our eyes to truth. I heard someone say regarding the “Land O Lakes” logo on the butter that “true to form, they got rid of the Indian and kept the land”. Isn’t that true with all the rest of the supposedly ‘woke culture’ logo rehabs? They are ridding the shelves and the world of ‘offensive’ logos (Uncle Ben, Aunt Jemima, the Red Skins, and the rest) while “keeping the land”. Who is really the racist in all of this foolishness? Who is ridding America of the black and brown indicators of success? Who is trying to absorb womanhood into an amorphous sludge of existence?

The left, the Marxists, the progressives (should be REgressives); call them what you will, they are simply trying to merge us into one single brownish grey soup with no individual identity. We will not be male nor female. We will have no ethnicity. We will have no religion. We will belong to the government and think as we are told. We will not fail, nor will we succeed. We will not be unhappy, nor will we be happy. We will not be slaves to government, nor will we be free.

That is not what it means to be free. That is what it means to have equity. Everyone is equally miserable except for the elites.

THAT is NOT what GOD meant us to be!

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