It’s Been Awhile…

I have not made a post since March 2019 and it is long overdue.

Since Facebook expanded the number of characters one could use when entering a post, the need for the “blog” was unnecessary. However, I have lost interest in social media which has more and more become UN-social media. I have begun to wonder if my posts were truly a reflection of my own thoughts, ideas and mental wanderings or were they simply parroted reactions influenced purely by the rage and discontent of the masses. Perhaps I had simply gotten lazy by posting links, emojis and shared responses.

While cleaning out my YouTube channel, I came across one post that referenced my blog. I had forgotten that I had done so many. It started me thinking that perhaps I should return to the written word instead of the gibberish of politicians with the attention span of a fish. Or news (should I say, talking heads) commentators with the objectivity of a prosperity preacher reviewing his own pleas for monetary gain as he boards his million dollar tour bus, then hops in his Jaguar to board his private jet to the “islands for a weekend retreat” to pray for his congregation that they may become more prosperous. WOW! It almost sounds like I am describing the elitist politicians that have recently descended upon us unlikely serfs with the all powerful phrase, “I am from the Government and am here to help you” when actually all they are here to do is line their numerous pockets with the hard earned feeble monetary gain we worked so hard to acquire. Then with all the flourish of Solomon ascending to his throne, they return a pittance to us and wait not so patiently for our obeisance at their feet and our eternal gratitude for their generosity.

YES! YES! YES!! I have missed using words! Thank you Mark Zuckerberg and that fellow at Tweeter for all the algorithms they do! They have been a blessing to me. I did not run and hide, howl at the moon, nor kneel screaming at the sun. I took my self-imposed sabbatical and decided to go back to what has served me best. It is the written word without the influences of the continual prophets of doom spewing their own version of toxic waste through the poorly written news articles and even more dreadful daily news shows.


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