Surveys and the Misrepresentation of Facts and Opinions

I took a survey yesterday. One that has been done for 50 years and they are quite proud of that. Since 1972 this survey has been gathering information regarding the Social inner workings of the United States of America and possibly the world. My curiosity overcame my better judgement and I sat through two hours of questions. Some were rather innocuous, like my race, gender, religious beliefs and my upbringing.

The questions, probably ninety percent, are ambiguous leading to answers that are greatly taken out of context.

For instance: If a man were to get up in public and say hateful things about black people and a bill came up to abolish that speach, would you; agree that it needed to be abolished, agree somewhat, disagree, or disagree somewhat. Now if you agree, you are ultimately saying that free speech is problematic. If you disagree then you are ultimately saying that hate speech is okay and you agree with it.

It asked the same about Muslims spewing hate speach – should they be allowed to say it. The same type of questions were asked about religion. They separated spirituality and religion which I thought was odd. There were a lot of questions about HIV, which I thought the Government was saying is under control. Now, I wonder what they are not saying about that and many other things.

I was reassured numerous times that this was not a government study and was in no way connected to the government. (Me thinks thou doth protest too much!) And that my answers were going to be totally anonymous. Another one of those “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” statements swept through my mind.

There were also the monetary spending questions. “Are we spending too much or not enough to …” I asked who “we” is supposed to represent. Is it the government or is it the people in general or is it both? The interviewer did not know. He was just asking the questions put forth in the survey on the tablet that was connected to the internet. Since the whole thing was supposedly recorded, I told him that I would be answering the questions as though it is the government only that is referenced by “we‘.

After two hours of questioning and a sore butt, I can understand why the media thinks there may be a group of radical, right wing, nut jobs out there just waiting to be activated. And it is far from the truth. And they did ask if I owned guns and how many. Since that information can be obtained anyway, I answered honestly.

After thinking about the way my answers could be misconstrued or purposely twisted to fit a particular narrative, I question the wisdom of my participation.

And if one truly believes the government is not involved with this in some way here are some (taken from their own literature) of the organizations that sponsor and use the data:

American Cancer Society, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, The Rockerfeller Foundation, and Robert Woods Johnson Foundation.

The name behind the research is NORC and this is what the letters mean in their own words: “the nonpartisan and objective research organization NORC at the University of Chicago,”… I found very little that I would consider nonpartisan or objective about the questions asked or the answers one had to pick from. While on the surface it appears to be lollipops and rainbows, it is neither.

For it to be called valid research is tantamount to saying an ant equals an elephant. Neither are true. It defies logic that such generalized statements and equally bizarre answers that you must choose from can be called research.

This is my opinion and mine alone. No one paid me to say it. No one even knows I am saying it until now.

The Loss of Personal Responsibility

This started as a reprint of a post of what I learned from the failed crazed woman’s march on DC January, 2017. It was what I had learned from the outspoken lunatic women of that march that failed to actually speak coherently and bring a cohesive message to the attention of all who watched.

What I did not learn is essential. I did not learn the actual source of their fear and anger. The speakers were not articulate as much as they were angry and fearful and spewing garbage just for applause, screams of laughter and jeers for the object of their scorn who happened to be a man.

They appeared to do what many women have done throughout the ages. They blame a man for their misfortune. In this case they blame a man with whom they had absolutely no relationship. It appears that women have not been liberated at all. What we women need to learn is that liberation does not come from outside of ourselves. Liberation is not dependent upon our release from a physical location nor from our real or imagined physical bonds. Liberation, true liberation comes from within. We are only liberated when we are free within. Not free to do whatever we want, whenever we want, but free to learn, free to become our best.

It also appeared that, on that day, a woman’s freedom was dependent upon a woman acting like those women thought a woman should act. And that is not freedom either. Freedom has a boundary and that boundary means that we do not enslave another in our version of freedom. If we can change their mind through honest debate or by our own actions, fine. But we are not free to bully another into submission.

Personal responsibility applies to women just as it applies to men. Just as one cannot cry fire in a crowded room when there is no fire, how is it right for a man or woman to cry rape when they walk naked through a frat party? We have all kinds of excuses why it is right for one to do so and allow no room for personal responsibility.

Advertising, greed and power based news, ignorant laws favoring the accused, faulty teaching in the churches, Marxist agendas unleashed by professors in colleges on ignorant students, awkward and dysfunctional families, little or no parenting skills, no boundaries and ignorance have all played a part in reducing personal responsibility to nothing more than a phrase used by fringe groups bent on restricting freedom.

Women have such aberrant ways of trying to draw attention to their plight. They burned their bras publicly to announce their freedom. That would be equivalent with men burning their jock straps. And it would make about as much sense. They walked topless through subways just to show they could because men went shirtless. This was hailed as new found freedom. Is it? Or is it just a redo of the Roaring Twenties, a remake of the Can-Can girls of France and a copy of the brothels of old? Why do we feel that burning desire to lie to ourselves? I can understand lying to the public, but why must we try to tell ourselves that our freedom must rely upon being unashamedly stupid? It is stupidity. Ignorance can be mended with knowledge. Stupid is willful and totally denying there might just be a better way.

Mid Morning and Rainy

It is one of those days that fluctuates between sadness, hope and contemplation. Sadness beacuse it reminds us that all is not sunshine and cool breezes. Hope because water reminds us of washing away the dirt of the day and Baptism which shows the world that we belong to the Savior. Contemplation because it causes a slow down of activity giving us time to think about many things.

When you get past the sadness, missing home, missing loved ones who have either moved away or precede you in death, missing your youth, you may realize that none of that can be changed. At least the parts that are in the past cannot. Your perception of where you are and why you are there can and maybe should change.

Hope causes us to have, well, hope. Hope is the simple belief that things will be better. Maybe not what we expect, but better. Salvation gives us hope. Blessed Hope. Not a little hope but HOPE as big as Eternity.

Contemplation, thinking about what has transpired and what will. We can condition ourselves to deal with possible situations if we look at all possibilities.

Within the society of today, life can be considered dangerous, or at the least hazardous. A walk in the park, a jog in the neighborhood, a simple trip to the store for a loaf of bread or pack of diapers can turn deadly. Regardless or inspite of the desire for some to create imagined “safe spaces” for some but not for all, we now have no “safe spaces” for anyone.

Fear has become a replacement for Hope. GOD is being denied HIS rightful place in the World. Without even a modicum of belief in GOD and all HE is, life has no meaning. If life has no meaning, then all things no matter how evil are allowed with no eternal repercussions.

As Christians it is our belief and Hope in GOD and the Ultimate Salvation freely given to us by HIS SON’S sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary. HE died so we could truly live.

Although we are not removed from all of the storms of life, HE will walk with us through the storm. It is an odd concept for those who are not believers or those who have never had a tsunami of a snot-storm in their life. Life is filled with unexpected joy and despair sometimes from the same event. The Earthly death of a loved one brings despair as we miss them terribly and cannot seem to find our way. Tears flow as there is a seeming unending pit filled with nothing. The joy comes from hope. The knowledge that the one we lost professed Salvation and lived their life as a true follower of THE MESSIAH, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, means that the Blessed Hope is simply that they are with our LORD AND SAVIOR and we will see them again.

Until tomorrow.

And Again, It’s Been Awhile…

As life moves forward despite our best efforts to slow it down, one begins to wonder, “exactly where has time gone?” It certainly does seem to slip away. One day you are 6, laying on the grass staring into the evening sky wondering where your real parents are and when are they coming back for you. A week later there you are 76 and wondering what the grandchildren are doing and, “could I lay upon that soft carpet of grass again? And if I do, can I get back up?”

Queen Elizabeth II has passed away at 96. Charles is now King. Another event in the life of the planet.

Anyway, back to my meanderings. In spite of my missteps, grandiose disobedience, total disregard for the natural order of things (on occasion), minor brushes with the wrong side of the law, at least 3 life and death situations and a mega host of open-mouth-insert-foot instances, I have survived. Only by the GRACE OF GOD have I survived.

At 16 the year 2000 was never a thought in my mind as a possibility for my life on this planet. And yet here it is 2022. It is actually a bit of a disappointment. The world is in turmoil and mostly due to ignorance in governance. When Star Trek was popular, I wanted to believe that we too would become better and use our scientific discoveries for the benefit of all mankind. We would overcome our differences, be accepting of others for their abilities and not be… well, be what we are. Human. We would be better humans or better than human. Neither wish came true.

That is what we are. We are not Vulcan, nor Klingon, nor Andorian, nor Trill, just human. Our planet is not androgynous. We are male or female with some anomalies. We are not humanoid. We are not human-like. We are human. And it still brings us back to, What ARE we supposed to do while we are HERE?”

While there are many differing opinions, some based upon Spiritual values, some not so much, we could all agree on one thing. This is not Star Trek and there can be only one true answer. So, maybe that is two things or just two parts of one truth.

Full disclosure: I am a Christian. I believe in the HOLY BIBLE as GOD handed it down to the human hand to write in words that mere humans could understand – eventually. I believe that it is all true, in spite of my lack of understanding of many parts. Scripture is the only thing that gives me peace and a sense of well-being. Scripture is the only thing that lets me know there is a plan in place and there is an Ultimate Winner. There are rules to live by that humans did not write which means humans may not revoke nor change the rules to suit their whims and whimsies. And just because they try does not make it true. Truth is true whether you believe it or not. Try not believing in gravity and walk off a cliff. Unless you have a jet pack or a parachute, that abrupt stop at the bottom, will prove gravity exists. Even if you have a parachute or jet pack, you still come down but with a softer landing.

There is a Heaven and a Hell as well as a Judgement Day. We will all be judged. There is only one way to stay out of Hell and go to Heaven and that is through the shed blood of THE MESSIAH on the Cross of Calvary about two thousand years ago.

And that is all I have for today. Thank you for reading.

Abortion – The Second Time

She had just been released from the hospital and that gnawing feeling that something was happening kept her awake and uneasy.

A trip to the clinic confirmed her suspicions. She was pregnant again. This time fear engulfed her. She had been on all that medication and the headlines about the Thalidomide babies who were just about 15 years old now.

The stories about how the drug caused birth defects stared her in the face one day as she stood in line for a burger. The girl was just about the right age. She was in a wheel chair and was missing both arms. Her mother looked tired but she was smiling.

The image seared into her mind like a hot knife through butter. Then the doubts came. What would the drugs do to the baby? She had become both obsessed and repulsed by the images of her unborn child. There was no sonogram to see if things were ok. Sonograms were not in use for pregnancy. There was no way to tell so the fear took over.

How could she do this? Who was there to help her? This man who had already abandoned her certainly could not be trusted. Oh, he had not vacated the premises, but he was of no value for emotional support and since he had quit his job he could not support her financially.

She considered her mother – a woman with three children at home and a husband who, while he worked and put food on the table, had major issues. The chaos that she had left so many years ago was not about to become her home again.

There was little to be called sane in that home. The constant profane and vulgar bickering was one thing. Watching the younger siblings be abused was quite another. She just could not be the target anymore. Everyone said that there was nothing that could be done. Her step-father was a law enforcement officer and any attempt that she made to report him was lost in the shuffle at the station. It was bad enough to be under his constant gaze while she was in the house, but his cohorts took over when she was out of the house. Their snickering and lewd remarks when she was in town were degrading and unbearable.

She could not, would not go home.

Her plan of action was formulated in a heartbeat. She called planned parenthood and made another appointment. This time would be different. She would go alone. She would take the bus. He did not have to know.

The appointment was not what she expected. They told her that they could not do the abortion. She would have to go to a hospital and have general anesthesia.

Her words blurted out in panic, “but I can’t!! I just can’t!! I have to do this now!!”

They told her that she was too far along and they were not equipped to handle it. But, there was a doctor that she could go to who might be able to help her. They gave her his number and she called him. The appointment was made and it began again.

The day of the appointment she never even told her husband where she was going. She just went.

The office was all dark wood and in a way soothing. The receptionist told her to have a seat while she waited for the doctor.

It was not long before she was called into the doctor’s office. He talked to her and told her that he would need another doctor present to administer the anesthesia and it would be done in his office. He asked her why she wanted it and she carefully explained about the drugs in the hospital and her fear and everything.

She asked Dr M why he did this and he said he was making money so he could go back to Puerto Rico and open a clinic for his people. When he told her the price, she said that she did not have that much money, but she would work for him if there was anything she could do. It was agreed that she would cover the front desk while his secretary took a few days off.

It was not hard to keep a secret in a house where no one spoke of anything important. That fatal day came soon enough and as she was leaving, she decided to tell her husband what she was doing and why. She spoke fast and left faster giving him no time to respond. She remembered his stunned look as she left.

Everything was going pretty much as it did before. The anesthesia was on standby in case it was needed. She was not as anxious as she was before. They must have given her a little something to relax her. She was trying to think of anything but where she was and what she was doing.

It was during one of those flights of fantasy that she noticed their words were more urgent than they had been. She wanted to ignore them but what was said was horrific.

Lying on the table, the IV in her arm, her legs strapped in the stirrups the words came.

Those sounds of the whirring suction machine were the same, The room was darker and more comfortable but it would not have made any difference if it had been a five star hotel or a back alley. It was then that the stark realization came upon her and finally showed her what she was doing. The tugging was becoming more intense as the doctors began working together.

Dr. M said, “The head is too big. It won’t come out. We’ll have to cut it up.”

It was at that moment that all of the horror, disgust and realization hit her. She had just murdered her child. She had murdered her second child. If you can be walking and still be in shock then she would be doing just that for several days. The procedure ended without further incident. She lay there weeping silently until they told her she could dress and go home. She lied when she said she was meeting her husband downstairs.

She did work for him the same day as her follow-up appointment. She swore to herself that she would never do this again.

If you think that abortion does not affect women, you are wrong. It stays with you until you die or completely lose your mind. You see those images. You feel everything at the mere mention of babies or birth or anything remotely connected. You wonder what kind of mother kills her unborn child. You wonder what kind of woman you truly are. You wonder many things and can become overwhelmed with self-doubt and self-loathing.

Abortion – A Personal and A National Tragedy

It was 1972 and the abortion debate was winding its way through the courts. She was not aware of all the legalities involved. She was not even thinking about an abortion. She was married and had always wanted children. It would be okay, right?

When she told her husband that she was “going to have a baby” he freaked. He told her that if she had the baby he would leave her. The words stunned her and he just kept repeating himself. The next day he told her that she was going to have to “take care of it” and she finally took it in. He wanted her to have an abortion.

She felt trapped. She could not raise a child on her own and she did not want to go back to her mother and tell her she was having a baby and her husband had left her. He took every opportunity to remind her that he did not want a baby. Despite her apprehension and her fear she picked up the yellow pages and went to the “A”s. She found the Planned Parenthood number, called it and made the appointment. She told him what she had done and how much it would be. He appeared to be relieved.

It was Saturday and the sun was shining. It was warmer than it should have been for February. As he parked the car, she stared up at the building and wished silently that it would all just disappear. He actually held the door for her when they went in.

The waiting room was not crowded but there were others there and each woman seemed to have that same blank stare. Each table had packs of birth control pills just laying there. She saw the pills and the boxes of tissues. She knew what was expected of her.

He waited with her until they called her name. The questions seemed endless, but it was only an illusion. The question she wanted to hear would never be spoken. “Do you want to just forget this mess and go home?” No one would ask that question.

She undressed and put on that gown and was led to the table. She lay down and her legs were strapped in the stirrups. She wanted her husband to rush in screaming for her to stop but he never did. The cervical dilation was painful but not as soul wrenching as the pain in her heart. The suction machine had been turned on and those awful noises were so loud. Inside she was screaming to stop, but the words never came. She lay there and happened to see the tube with the canister at the end and she was sick to fully understand what she had just done. A few bold tears trickled down.

Her husband must have paid them while she was having IT done. She sat in the waiting room for awhile and then some woman in a white uniform told her she could go and rambled on about what to do about complications or something. At that point it was all pretty hazy and it was like the volume was too low and she never understood what was said and did not care.

There was complete silence all the way home. As they walked in to their basement apartment she noticed his distance. As she took off her coat she watched him lay on the sofa facing the wall. He may as well stabbed her in the heart with a kitchen knife, it would not have hurt as much as what he said. You would think that after 38 years, the pain of that moment would have been forgotten. She remembers the sights and smells and sounds of that day like it is happening now. What he said will stay with her until she dies.

As she stood looking at him lying on the sofa with his back to her he said, “Why did you kill my baby?”

She never answered his question and the abortion was never mentioned again. It was not even mentioned the next time she became pregnant. It was never mentioned when she left him.


It’s Been Awhile…

I have not made a post since March 2019 and it is long overdue.

Since Facebook expanded the number of characters one could use when entering a post, the need for the “blog” was unnecessary. However, I have lost interest in social media which has more and more become UN-social media. I have begun to wonder if my posts were truly a reflection of my own thoughts, ideas and mental wanderings or were they simply parroted reactions influenced purely by the rage and discontent of the masses. Perhaps I had simply gotten lazy by posting links, emojis and shared responses.

While cleaning out my YouTube channel, I came across one post that referenced my blog. I had forgotten that I had done so many. It started me thinking that perhaps I should return to the written word instead of the gibberish of politicians with the attention span of a fish. Or news (should I say, talking heads) commentators with the objectivity of a prosperity preacher reviewing his own pleas for monetary gain as he boards his million dollar tour bus, then hops in his Jaguar to board his private jet to the “islands for a weekend retreat” to pray for his congregation that they may become more prosperous. WOW! It almost sounds like I am describing the elitist politicians that have recently descended upon us unlikely serfs with the all powerful phrase, “I am from the Government and am here to help you” when actually all they are here to do is line their numerous pockets with the hard earned feeble monetary gain we worked so hard to acquire. Then with all the flourish of Solomon ascending to his throne, they return a pittance to us and wait not so patiently for our obeisance at their feet and our eternal gratitude for their generosity.

YES! YES! YES!! I have missed using words! Thank you Mark Zuckerberg and that fellow at Tweeter for all the algorithms they do! They have been a blessing to me. I did not run and hide, howl at the moon, nor kneel screaming at the sun. I took my self-imposed sabbatical and decided to go back to what has served me best. It is the written word without the influences of the continual prophets of doom spewing their own version of toxic waste through the poorly written news articles and even more dreadful daily news shows.


And the Leftist Beat Goes On

For the past three weeks I have avoided much of the news. As I watched the news this morning it felt much like watching 2 year old reruns of any annoying sitcom of your choice.

One in particular caught my attention. Much ado has been made of Congressman O’mar’s anti-Semitic remarks regarding Israel, and not in a way that has been appreciated by the majority who do in fact support Israel.

Let us look at previous comments.

  • If the Ku Klux Klan speaks out against our Government’s support of civil rights for non-white Americans, it is denounced soundly with great vigor from both parties. David Duke did not win the Presidency, not because of his economic stance, but more because of his support of the abhorrent KKK. [Does anyone have any idea what any of his policies were? I sure don’t and don’t care. His support of the KKK was enough for me to disregard him for any office.]
  • President Trump makes an off-hand remark about “sh**-hole countries that some people of color come from and the outcry from the Democrats was thunderous.
  • Justice Kavanaugh, during his confirmation hearings was accused (not convicted in a court of law) of rape, gang rape, and being a terrible man, because the Democrats did not want him as a Justice in the Supreme Court of the United States. Since his confirmation the women who accused and vilified him have slithered into the shadows (where they should have stayed) with their falsehoods and lawyers.
  • The ever vociferous and vocal Maxine Waters clamored for those who worked for the President or dared wear clothing that supported him to be hounded and run out of restaurants and other public venues. Sounds more like Lenin and Marx or the KKK than a freedom loving citizen and public employee of the United States. And when did Congress call her out?
  • Then there is the ever popular Speaker of the House Mr. Nancy Pelosi. Yes I said, “Mr.” She has bigger brass than nearly all the men in Washington combined. She was moderate until … Until a couple of brassy young fillies showed up with a bit more pizzazz and mouth than she maintains. After all, she had a bit of decorum and never swore in public [that I recall], so the pendulum is swinging farther and farther to the left. With “Mr.” Pelosi seeing the handwriting in the voting booth wall, the brass she maintained appears to be drifting to the younger, less weathered, more passionate members of the Marxist chorus. She votes to condemn, condemn what? Condemn all bad thoughts that ever were? Might as well. That watered down, milk-toast bill they pushed through which was originally thought to be a condemnation of Congressman O’mar’s comments regarding the Government support of Israel never mentioned her by name and included a condemnation of all things naughty except … Except that it is meaningless. They gave O’mar a pass. Why? Because she’s new. Isn’t that sweet?

So, why give hate speech a pass? Because it came from a Democrat.

The House of Representatives is no longer a group of Statesmen who went to work for the public good. It is more of a vendetta seeking family of individuals out to massacre the opposition through any means possible. Control and power through intimidation, misinformation and downright lies is what they appear to be about. People have been elected to office who hold only disdain for the American laws and through the re-writing of history and rape of the Constitution will achieve their means.

Subtle Subversion

Have you noticed how Communists or Socialists overthrow modern governments? They used to simply cause chaos in the streets with dissatisfied people who were easily worked up because they were oppressed and starving. They were worked up with the promise of food and equality. They were then made equally miserable.

Today’s overthrow begins a bit differently. They get themselves elected. How? They promise free education, fully paid, so students graduate debt free. They promise free healthcare for everyone, but they fail to go into any details. They guarantee everyone a job at a great salary. You remember the details? Those sticky little things like how will all of this be paid for. How do you provide for nearly 400 million people equally?

Our freedom then becomes a thing of the past. How does a country pay for all these free things? How does the taxpayer give up 80% OR MORE of their pay to a government that is already unable to govern with the 30+% they already get?

How is it paid for is just the beginning. How many General Practitioners are going to study to become a doctor for 12 years and work for minimum wage? How about the Surgeon? Will the Surgeon want to work for minimum wage? If the line worker makes as much as the Supervisor with only the increase in responsibility, who will want to supervise? If everyone has to live in the same type of house or is relegated to a certain number of rooms per persons in the family, who is happy then? When do they start limiting how many children a family can have?

And what about the ruling class? Do they make minimum wage, too? No. They live in luxury because of their status; because they are the elite. They effectively destroy the so-called Middle Class and make everyone but the ruling political class poor; thereby making everyone equal. The government confiscates land, homes, belongings and pay. The political class steals everything you have, puts you on the street, homeless and hungry, and mows you down when you protest. If you disagree with their point of view, their political stand, they throw you in jail and label you a dissident, and an enemy of the state. You become a hater. You become a pariah. There is a target on your back. No longer welcome in public restaurants, coffee shops or the local laundromat. Or even your own neighborhood.

Demonize the Constitution. Create an enemy where there is none. Promise FREE stuff that you cannot deliver, then blame the current, legally elected administration. Work the non-thinking masses into a fever pitch. If there are not enough of those who see the truth, we become overrun by Communism. They call it Socialism, but it is nothing more than Communism. It may be Communism lite, but it is still Communism.

You want to be like Venezuela? Keep listening to the likes of
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (new salary of $174,000 expected to rise substantially in her new political career) or Kamala Harris (net worth $580,000 to $2 million), Elizabeth Warren (net worth approximately $14.5 million) and they are spoon feeding the masses the pablum of FREE . While sucking on the sugar teat of political hucksters, the masses with eyes closed will follow the stench of decaying free stuff right down the broad road to Hell. Just ask Venezuelan citizens

The Government of Today

While I do not agree that the Government should have been opened, I can understand why President Trump did so. He does have compassion for those who were unable to be paid. Perhaps there should be some sort of “Government Shutdown Insurance” like Workers Compensation Insurance much like the Senate and the House have. [Wink! Wink! Or 😉 😉 ] Mr. Pelosi and Ms. Schumer I am sure are gloating (I have seen their bilious forms spread across the TV with their grating voices like nails across a chalkboard).

Our national security is at stake and neither of them care. 90% of the heroin caught is at ports of entries is true, but neither of those ignoramuses have taken in account all the drugs that are not caught that come across our porous borders. The truth is no one has any idea what the percentage of the drugs caught is compared to the total amount of the drugs that come across the border! They have no idea how many illegals actually make it across the border for the simple reason that there is NO way to count the number of illegals who make it across without getting caught.

While there is generally a way to compromise in most situations, as anyone who is married or has been married can attest to, there is, by all that we have witnessed, NO way to compromise ethically with Mr. Pelosi and the radical [Communist/Socialist] Democrat party. If there was a lesson to be learned from the past 45 days, it is that lesson and that lesson alone. There is no compromise and there is no negotiation. Above all there is no “good faith effort” on their side, nor is the any way that their ethics and morals reach above the level of a basement foundation. They make stalkers, ponzi salesmen and Clinton lawyers look like Catholic school boys attacked by madmen at a woe-man’s march in DC.

Walls do indeed divide people. They keep the bad people on the other side of the wall. Mr. Pelosi is about as trustworthy as a hungry snake with a live field mouse. The mouse trusts that the snake will devour him unless he gets behind the wall. And Ms. Schumer better remove some of the lace from around his knickers or he won’t be able to keep up with the leader of the House. What divides people even more are the politicians who pontificate about their own ability to divide people who do not think nor believe as they do and how evil those unwashed masses, excuse me, those unwashed, ignorant, redneck, gun-toting, Bible-believing, pro-life masses who have the good sense to disagree with everything they stand for; how evil we really are.

And that, my friends and algorithms, is my rant for today. I am a GOD fearing, Bible believing, FREEDOM loving American!

To quote Patrick Henry, “It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”